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Course Support Funds

Course Support Funds

FYS instructors are eligible for up to $500 in course support to defray costs directly associated with student participation. Please note the guidelines listed below for those expenses that can and cannot be covered. If incurred expenses do not meet these guidelines the IOR's department may decline to reimburse expenses

Important Details About These Funds

  • All funds (including AEF) are distributed approximately three weeks after the start of the academic term to which they are applied. 
  • Funds are distributed directly to the departmental account of the Instructor of Record (IOR) associated with the seminar.
  • The departmental MSO listed on the seminar proposal application is the individual responsible for reimbursing and distributing funds to the IOR.

How to Request Course Support Funds

  1. As part of FYS course proposal, identify the Management Services Officer "MSO" (or appropriate departmental representative) who will facilitate the distribution and reimbursement of all funds related to the proposed seminar, if approved.
  2. Under the section titled "Course Support Funds (optional)" please provide the following:
    • Total Estimated Cost
    • "Briefly describe and estimate the dollar amount of the course support resources needed to facilitate your seminar and provide a good-faith estimate total of the resources required." (200 words max)
  3. The requested amount will be transferred to the IOR's department with the Academic Enrichment Funds after (not prior to) the start of the term. 

How to get Reimbursed

  1. Work with the MSO (or appropriate departmental representative) identified on your FYS proposal application to verify if the intended use of the funds meets FYS and departmental guidelines. 
  2. Provide necessary documentation and receipts to the MSO. There is no need to provide receipts to FYS.

Questions or concerns regarding course support or AEF funds? Contact Janet Chambers at jachambers@ucdavis.edu.

Examples of Appropriate & Inappropriate Expenses

Appropriate Expenses

  • Photocopying directly related to the seminar.
  • Field trip expenses, e.g. Fleet Services charges for rented vehicles, cost of admission to a theater or museum.
  • Specialized equipment temporary rental for the duration of the course, e.g. Microscope Services
  • Specialized services necessary for research or laboratory elements of the course, e.g. DNA Sequencing services
  • Audio-visual expenses such as purchase of head-sets, DVDs, and document cameras.
  • Honorarium (this includes both honoraria and travel expenses) for an outside guest lecturer. The guest lecturer cannot be a university employee.
  • Reference material for the instructor, including books, not to exceed $100.
  • Light refreshments, not to exceed $100 per quarter.

Expenses that will not be Reimbursed

  • Entertainment expenses such as dinners and Campus Catering.
  • Secretarial or other staff salary support.
  • Routine costs normally borne by the department such as telephone costs, office supplies, mail, ink cartridges, computer software and other normal office costs.